FAQs Available for Revised and Clarified Place of Service Coding Instructions Effective April 1
“Revised and Clarified Place of Service (POS) Coding Instructions” became effective April 1, 2013. These instructions revised and clarified national policy for POS code assignment and clarified longstanding policy on reporting the service location for a given service code. Since publication, questions have been raised about the general Medicare requirements for billing the global diagnostic service code, the date of service, the POS for pathology and laboratory services, as well as enrollment, Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) jurisdiction, and claims processing requirements.
- A compilation of Frequently asked Questions about these issues and the CMS responses are available on the CMS Physician Center web page.
- MLN Matters® Article #7631, “Revised and Clarified Place of Service (POS) Coding Instructions” has additional information on the April 1 requirement. http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-Service-Payment/PhysicianFeeSched/Downloads/FAQs-CR7631-4-25-13.pdf